
Who Owns the Copyright on the Output of an AI? – Ep. 48 [Podcast]

Who Owns the Copyright on the Output of an AI? – Ep. 48 [Podcast]

Who owns the copyright related to the output of an AI? At what point does human interaction with an AI constitute “A ‘Modicum’ of Input.” We don’t claim to have the answers, but on today’s episode of the podcast, we’ll ask Chat GPT! (Just kidding). Join Tom, Ray, and Jan Willem Goedmakers of Stamicarbon fame for this exciting episode of Stuff You Should Know About IP!

IP in the Metaverse – Ep. 45 [Podcast]

IP in the Metaverse – Ep. 45 [Podcast]

Who would have ever thought that Neil Stevenson, the author of Snowcrash, a dystopian cyber-punk novel from 1992 would define the term, “Metaverse,” as the place that we would all eventually be living. On this episode, we’re joined by the great Anna Fong to discuss IP and the Metaverse.

Russia Suspends Enforcement of IP Rights – Ep. 43 [Podcast]

Russia Suspends Enforcement of IP Rights – Ep. 43 [Podcast]

As the west enacts sanctions and bans the import of Russian oil following its invasion of Ukraine, The Russian Ministry of Economic Development has issued a decree which effectively legalizes patent infringement from anyone affiliated with countries that are “unfriendly” to the Russian federation. What does this mean for IP owners around the world? All this and more, on today’s episode of Stuff You Should Know About IP.

Let Them Eat Copycat Caterpillar Cakes! – Ep. 42 [Podcast]

Let Them Eat Copycat Caterpillar Cakes! – Ep. 42 [Podcast]

Can copycat caterpillar cakes clearly create consumer confusion? UK grocers Marks & Spencer and Aldi have been trading barbs over this recently. But, if you take a look at their competing cakes, Cuthbert the Caterpillar and Colin the Caterpillar…well…let’s just say that even the great Marie Antoinette would be perplexed. We’re joined by special guest Nika Videtic and to discuss this high profile case of alleged copyright infringement.

Spice DAO’s “DUNE” IP Blunder – Ep. 41 [Podcast]

Spice DAO’s “DUNE” IP Blunder – Ep. 41 [Podcast]

Spice DAO, a crowdfunded group of cyber artists, accomplished their mission to buy a copy of a legendary movie manuscript based on the famous Frank Herbert Novel, Dune. Now, they plan to burn it, create a series based on it, and open the floodgates for fan fiction artists to do what they will with it. The only problem? Well, there’s some “Stuff” that they should probably know about Intellectual property.