Author: qadmin

“Knockoffs” vs “Counterfeits”

“Knockoffs” vs “Counterfeits”

Table of Contents In everyday conversation that term “knockoff” is frequently misued, and what someone means to say is that a product is “counterfeit.” Do an image search on Google for “Rolex knockoff” and the entire first page is nothing

Loose Lips and Trade Secret Enforcability

Loose Lips and Trade Secret Enforcability

Table of Contents You’re not alone if whenever you think of Trade Secrets you think of the WWII saying “loose lips might sink ships.” But if you think about it, since there are no trade secret filings or registrations, or certificates,

Packaging Mishaps: Don’t Let Them Diminish Your Brand!

Packaging Mishaps: Don’t Let Them Diminish Your Brand!

Did you know that a few small packaging errors can tarnish the hard work you’ve put into creating the perfect trademark for your product or service? It’s true! Imagine investing a fortune in R&D, assembling an incredible marketing team, and nailing the design, only to have packaging mishaps ruin it all.

The Risks of Misalignment Between USPTO and FDA Disclosures

The Risks of Misalignment Between USPTO and FDA Disclosures

Big pharmaceutical companies play a crucial role in advancing healthcare by conducting research and developing new drugs and therapies. Their investments in research and development (R&D) have led to the discovery of life-saving treatments for a wide range of diseases and conditions, improving the quality of life for millions of people worldwide.

Who Owns the Copyright on the Output of an AI? – Ep. 48 [Podcast]

Who Owns the Copyright on the Output of an AI? – Ep. 48 [Podcast]

Who owns the copyright related to the output of an AI? At what point does human interaction with an AI constitute “A ‘Modicum’ of Input.” We don’t claim to have the answers, but on today’s episode of the podcast, we’ll ask Chat GPT! (Just kidding). Join Tom, Ray, and Jan Willem Goedmakers of Stamicarbon fame for this exciting episode of Stuff You Should Know About IP!

IP in the Metaverse – Ep. 45 [Podcast]

IP in the Metaverse – Ep. 45 [Podcast]

Who would have ever thought that Neil Stevenson, the author of Snowcrash, a dystopian cyber-punk novel from 1992 would define the term, “Metaverse,” as the place that we would all eventually be living. On this episode, we’re joined by the great Anna Fong to discuss IP and the Metaverse.